Author: Xu Lei


Serving regional economic development is the main function of higher vocational education. At the same time, regional economic development and economic structure adjustment act on the talent training mode of higher vocational education. Complying with the development trend of Sino-foreign cooperation in politics, economy, trade, science, and education under the background of the “Belt and Road” initiative, strengthening the cross-cultural ability of language majors and cultivating international talents with cross-cultural ability are the common concerns of today’s language teaching workers. The topic has also become a consensus in higher education. Based on the “three-element interaction theory”, the thesis focuses on how to meet the needs of international talents, increase the input of cross-cultural knowledge, create a learning atmosphere suitable for learners, and integrate cross-cultural communication under the influence of a cross-cultural communication environment, communication subject and communication behavior. Knowledge integration is integrated into teaching, builds language services with characteristics of the Bay Area, and promotes the improvement of cross-cultural communication skills of business English majors in the Bay Area.

Keywords: Triadic Reciprocal Determinism; Intercultural communication environment; Intercultural communication Behavior; Intercultural communication personality


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Project Funds: Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province, the special innovation project based on PBL teaching mode of higher vocational “cross-cultural communication” course thinking and government teaching system construction and practice research (2021WTSCX168); Guangdong Science and Technology Cadre College school-level research project of higher vocational “cross-cultural communication The construction of “one focus, two orientation, three integration” model of “cross-cultural intercultural communication” (XJMS202105); Guangdong Science and Technology Cadre College professional leader training project (2021); 2022 Guangdong Science and Technology Cadre College Curriculum Civic Politics demonstration course stage results; 2022 Guangdong Academy of Science and Technology Cadres, the stage results of the special integration of the characteristics of the model courses; 2022-2023 Jinwan District Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project stage results; 2022 school-level curriculum Civics education and teaching reform project stage results; 2022 school-level curriculum Civics demonstration team results

Author Xu Lei (1982-), F, Wugang, Hunan, China, Associate Professor, Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology, Ph. Tel: 15820596121,