Authors: Fitri Nora, Deltri Apriyeni*, Yeni Volya, Yudha Prasatyo Kumbara & Tri Wahyu Pahlepi


This study aims to see the effect of 1) The influence of competence on the organizational commitment of members of the DPRD Kota Pariaman. 2). The effect of work motivation on the organizational commitment of members of the DPRD Kota Pariaman. 3). The effect of work motivation on the performance of members of the DPRD Kota Pariaman. 4). The influence of competence on the performance of members of the DPRD Kota Pariaman. 5). The effect of work motivation on the performance of members of the DPRD Kota Pariaman. 6). The effect of competence on the performance of members of the DPRD Kota Pariaman with organizational commitment as an intervening variable. 7). The effect of work motivation on the performance of members of the DPRD Kota Pariaman with organizational commitment as an intervening variable. The population and sample in this study are all members of DPRD Pariaman Cityas many as 40 people. The technique of determining the number of samples using total sampling. The data analysis technique used path analysis by fulfilling the requirements of the classical assumption test of normality, linearity, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity. The results of this study indicate that competence and work motivation have a significant effect on the organizational commitment of members of the DPRD Kota Pariaman. In addition, competence, work motivation, and organizational commitment also have a significant effect on the performance of members of the DPRD Kota Pariaman.

Keywords: Performance, Competence, Work Motivation, Organizational Commitment


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