Author: Nancy Gomez Bonilla


Emotions, as a study category, allow visualizing the political interests that underlie the peace process signed in Colombia. The study shows expressions aimed at the public sphere that allows emotions to be seen as a strategic device with a specific purpose from political action, subtly guiding and orienting social thoughts and behaviors regarding the peace process. This project describes subtle link between facts, speeches, and emotions that accounts for what politicians and government representatives said about the Final Agreement (AF), the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), and the System of Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Non-Repetition (SVJRNR). The results show the importance of deepening these mitigations in the academic environment. It shows that emotions are an active part of the new humanistic, social, cultural, and political epistemologies. Finally, conclusions present the subjective views of the researcher, who hopes to contribute to that invisible triadic fabric.

Keywords: Emotions, peace, political action


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