Authors: Henry Buwule Musoke (PhD), Kakundwa Naome & Matovu George


The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of audit firms’ integrity on the audit quality of selected audit firms in Kampala Central division. The study utilized a cross-sectional survey design. Semi-structured questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data from a sample of auditors in the selected audit firms in Kampala Central Division. Data were analyzed using narrative, descriptive, Pearson correlation, and simple regression analyses. Findings revealed that audit firms’ integrity significantly and positively affects the audit quality of selected audit firms in Kampala Central Division. Integrity requires audit firms to be honest, transparent, prudent, and trustworthy to conduct a quality audit. Auditors should uphold their professional ethical standards for the organizations they work for, the community, and themselves because shareholders and other users of financial statements heavily rely on their work to make informed decisions.

Keywords: Audit Firms’ Integrity, Accounting, and Auditing Standards, Audit Quality, and Uganda.


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