Author: Emile Monono Mbua, Ph.D


The current study aimed at investigating the impact of Principal’s leadership styles on teacher and school effectiveness in secondary schools in Tiko Sub-division, Fako Division, and Cameroon. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study encompassed 137 respondents (15 Principals and 122 Teachers) from 15 Secondary Schools in Tiko Sub-division, while purposive sampling was used as this study targeted principals and teachers of secondary schools in the Tiko Sub-division. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire titled “Principal’s Leadership Style on Teacher and School Effectiveness” (PLSTSE). The ‘PLSTSE’ was validated by experts and found to have both face and content validity. The reliability coefficient was computed to be.81 using split-half statistics. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS to check the reliability of the survey and Pearson moment correlation for the hypothesis. The results of the findings revealed the impact of principals’ leadership on school and teacher effectiveness had a mean value of 4.34 and 4.20 respectively. Both findings revealed there is a significant impact of principals’ leadership styles on teacher and school effectiveness. The study concluded that principals practicing instructional, participatory, and transformational leadership styles in their schools could enhance the level of school and teacher effectiveness considerably. Based on the research findings and conclusions, the study recommended Principals need to develop management skills that enhance the effective engagement of teachers in school leadership.

Keywords: Principal, Leadership Styles, Teacher Effectiveness, School Effectiveness


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