Authors: Ishola Mohammed Bello & Dauda Rasheed


Teaching methods are regarded as processes and tasks designed to transfer knowledge, skills, and understanding at all levels of the education system from kindergarten to the university level. This study, therefore, examined the impact of the dynamics of the simulation and lecture method on students’ performance in Upper Basic schools in Ilorin. The study used both the Simulation role-play method and the lecture methods for teaching at the basic level of education in the teaching/learning environment. The study aims to determine the best predictor between the two variables. Using quasi-experiments in the design of the study, a sample of ninety students was intentionally sampled across all 3 levels of upper basic schools. A tool called the business studies achievement test (BUSAT) was used as a guide to assess the academic performance of Business Studies students at the basic levels in both the assessment and control groups. Using t-tests of independent variation, the study found a more important simulation method as the normal performance of a student taught in a simulation role-playing game was much higher and better than that taught using a lecture method that resulted in the presentation of a lesson in their class. It was recommended, among others, that the teacher should make effective use of the simulation role-play approach in delivering lessons as it shows great promise in improving the academic performance of students at the basic level of education at Model Secondary School, Ilorin. Kwara State, Nigeria.

Keywords: Simulation role-play, Lecture Method, Basic Education, teaching method


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