Authors: Aminuddin Faryabi, Giyoto Giyoto, Maslamah Maslamah & Herri Gunawan


BIPA at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta develops Indonesian language skills for foreign students to be able to communicate well, politely, and fluently with Indonesian people; and have Islamic knowledge. This research aims to: (1) describe the implementation management of BIPA learning; and (2) to describe the implementing constraints for KEPDIRJENPENDIS Number 6244 of 2019. The research data collection technique was documentation of KAK, a certificate template, and a lecture journal. BIPA learning was explored through in-depth interviews covering preparation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Since 2006, it has had planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising learning as KEPDIRJENPENDIS Number 6244 of 2019. It emphasizes listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills using direct methods. Cultural insight emphasizes local wisdom; and Islamic insight emphasizes morality and Islamic celebrations (sekaten, Eid homecoming, and isra’ mi’raj). Issues that should be concerned with it, namely: (a). the language matriculation implementation cannot be carried out on time because it has to align with existing lectures in the faculty environment of each foreign student; (b) the documentation of BIPA learning archives by BIPA organizers has not been organized as institutional archiving requirements; (c). The availability of educational buildings is still limited, so the availability of classrooms is also limited; (d). BIPA organizers have not been optimal in managing the test question bank, so it has the impression that they are only repeating existing questions without updating them. BIPA organizers do not yet have assessment standards set as a permanent reference in providing evaluations to foreign students.

Keywords: Management, Learning, BIPA


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