Authors: Cyrus Sila Musyoka & Dr. Kegoro Ongoto Henry


Despite the important place that research on strategic innovations has in the literature on strategic management, little is known about the relationship between strategic innovations and university performance. The limitations of measuring the strategic innovation constructs, methodological ambiguities, and contentious findings from earlier studies served as the foundation for this study. This study set out to look into how technology advancements affected the performance of Kenya’s public universities. This study made use of the balanced scorecard paradigm, disruptive innovation based on resources, and both. The research design used was cross-sectional. This study’s target audience consisted of Kenya’s 31 public universities. This study’s sample frame consisted of 10 public universities. The population’s 100 respondents were picked. Using a stratified random sample method, respondents from Kenya’s 10 public universities were selected. The Israel (2009) formula was used to establish the sample size for the 80 respondents. Structured questionnaires with both closed- and open-ended questions were used to collect primary data. A Likert-type scale was used to evaluate the questionnaire items. The administration and administrative staff of Kenya’s public universities served as the study’s respondents. The deputy vice chancellors, directors, deputy directors, managers, and senior administrators were among the respondents to the survey. While Cronbach Alpha coefficients were used to test the reliability of the research instrument, the validity of the research instrument was evaluated by academic researchers and business specialists. Descriptive statistics and the linear regression approach were used to examine the data, and the results were presented as tables and figures. The study found a strong correlation between technical advancements and the performance of Kenya’s public universities (F, 54.0 = 49.3, p 0.000). The study concluded that technology advancements like virtual learning, e-learning tools, and digital records can effectively explain the performance of public universities. Rethinking technological breakthroughs is crucial, the research advises, if public universities in Kenya are to perform better. It is inferred that the findings of this study will have a substantial impact on theory, management practice, and decision-makers like the Commission for University Education and the Kenyan Ministry of Education.

Keywords: Technological Innovations and Performance of Higher Institutions of Learning


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