Author: Baraka Nyinge


Formative use of authentic assessment is regarded as a key aspect of competence acquisition among undergraduate science students. The study employed a pragmatism research paradigm with the mixed-method research approach. The research design used was an explanatory sequential research design. The target population for the study was 650 third-year undergraduate science students from the two Higher Education Institutions. The sample for the study was 231 undergraduate science students who were selected by proportional stratified random sampling technique. In addition, six (6) instructors were selected by using purposive sampling based on their areas of specialization. Data analysis was done by using descriptive survey and thematic analysis for quantitative and qualitative research approaches respectively. The findings indicated that the formative use of authentic assessment in general and authentic assessment tools, in particular, was not well realized. Authentic assessment tools such as portfolios, projects, and practical work were not used on a formative basis. The concern was grading the achievement of learners through those tools rather than for the improvement of learning processes among them. However, teaching practice or fieldwork as one of the tools of authentic assessment was found to be used on a formative basis since the emphasis was the acquisition of competencies through the active engagement of students. Undergraduate science students were exposed to real-life situations accompanied by the provision of oral and written feedback for the sake of improvement.  It is concluded that formative use of authentic assessment in general was not well realized leading to the persistence of criticism among education stakeholders on the inadequacy of competencies to the graduates. The study recommends the formulation of clear policies on the implementation of authentic assessment in Higher Education Institutions on a formative basis.

Keywords: Formative use, portfolios, practical work, higher education institutions, competencies


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