Authors: Tony R. Gyang, Grace M. Kibanja & Kajumba M. Mayanja


Background & Objectives: Post-Traumatic stress disorder has often been associated with poorer, social, and occupational functioning and quality of life. However, a general assessment of functioning does not determine which of these difficulties is related to PTSD symptoms. This study examines whether PTSD severity is a significant predictor of cognitive readiness for reintegration among internally displaced persons in Jos, north central Nigeria. Design: A cross-sectional study design was used to systematically select 248 adult IDPs aged 18 years and above. Methods: The PTSD-8 inventory scale for the DSM-IV structured questionnaire was used to identify those with PTSD symptoms while a modified cognitive readiness questionnaire was used to assess cognitive readiness. Regression analysis was used to test the study hypotheses. A cross-tabulation analysis of PTSD and the demographic variables was performed. Results: Results revealed that PTSD severity significantly negatively predicted cognitive readiness for community reintegration (β = -.582, R2 = 0.338, t = -11.216, p < 0.001). The result also revealed that level of education and marital status significantly predicted PTSD severity. Conclusions: We therefore propose that reintegration programs and community-based mental health care services including therapy, and social and medical support be made available to individuals affected by the crisis.

Keywords: Background & Objectives: Post-Traumatic stress disorder has often been associated with poorer, social, and occupational functioning and quality of life. However, general assessment of functioning does not determine which of these difficulties is related to PTSD symptoms. This study examines whether PTSD severity is a significant predictor of cognitive readiness for reintegration among internally displaced persons in Jos, north central Nigeria. Design: A cross-sectional study design was used to systematically select 248 adult IDPs aged 18 years and above. Methods: The PTSD-8 inventory scale for DSM-IV structured questionnaire was used to identify those with PTSD symptoms while a modified cognitive readiness questionnaire was used to assess cognitive readiness. Regression analysis was used to test the study hypotheses. A cross tabulation analysis of PTSD and the demographic variables was performed. Results: Results revealed that PTSD severity significantly negatively predicted cognitive readiness for community reintegration (β = -.582, R2 = 0.338, t = -11.216, p < 0.001). The result also revealed that level of education and marital status significantly predicted PTSD severity. Conclusions: We therefore propose that reintegration programs and community based mental health care services including therapy, social and medical support be made available to individuals affected by the crisis.


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