Author: Bernadetha Charles Mlimbila


This study examined the effects of gender-based violence among adolescents in Iringa Municipality. The study was guided by two research objectives which were to assess the impacts of gender-based violence among adolescents in Iringa Municipality and to investigate the strategies for dealing with gender-based violence in Iringa Municipality. The study used a qualitative research approach. The study adopted the exploratory study research design. Data were collected using interviews and Focus Group Discussion. Data were obtained from a sample of 41 participants which involved 36 adolescents who came from three wards, three Ward Executive Officers (WEO), one Social Welfare Officer (SWO) from Iringa Municipality and one Gender Desk Policy Officer. Data were analysed by using thematic content analysis method. The findings showed that gender-based violence resulted psychological risks which included; health risks social risks. It is concluded that the risks of physical gender-based violence among adolescents affect the development of adolescents as a result of Psychological effects, health effects and social effects.

Keywords: gender, violence, adolescents, behaviour, mental.


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