Authors: Amankwaa Ebenezer, Augustine Bediako & Maxwell Kwesi Nyatsikor, PhD


The study investigated the distribution of personality traits among college of education students in Ghana and how these traits impacted information literacy skills. The design for the study was a cross-sectional descriptive survey. The study sample comprised 370 purposively and randomly selected students from three colleges of education. The data was analyzed using descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (standard multiple regression) statistical techniques at p=0.01. The predominant trait among college students was agreeableness, while the least was openness to experience. The study found a statistically insignificant impact of personality traits such as agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and openness to experience on information literacy skills. However, there was a statistically significant impact of the neurotic trait on information literacy skills. The personality disposition and orientation of neurotic students fortified their quest to seek more information. The study suggests that tutors and allied staff in Colleges of Education should learn about their students’ personality profiles to guide their general information-seeking skills, competencies and learning.


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