Authors: Isha Mae V. Olanosa, Giane Mikas F. Anastacio, Debbie Rose B. Fabian, Bernadette M. Belandres, John Weiland T. Berba & Arnel B. Navaja


The main objective of the study was to evaluate customer experiences and satisfaction with customer service, facility cleanliness, value for money, and food quality, as well as gauge customer loyalty at Happy Tummy Resto Bar and Catering Services. Following a comprehensive analysis of the collected data, the researchers concluded that customers have a very good experience with Happy Tummy. The findings also indicate that customers are satisfied with the establishment’s customer service, facility cleanliness, value for money, and food quality. Furthermore, the study affirms that customers exhibit loyalty towards Happy Tummy. In addition, the objective of this research is to present a retention plan in which this plan emphasizes the importance of maintaining existing customer relationships. Understanding these aspects will enable Happy Tummy to tailor its strategies to meet specific customer needs and expectations.

Keywords: customer experience, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, retention plan, restaurant


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