Authors: Debbie Rose B. Fabian, Mylene E. Cator, Rizza Mae B. Gervacio, Alyssa Averi R. Palaña, John Michael P. Ranera & Beldandie Salvador


In the business world, understanding the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is important. Businesses that offer services play a crucial role in ensuring their service quality aligns with customer expectations, ultimately leading to customer satisfaction. By prioritizing service quality, businesses can build customer loyalty, gain a competitive edge, and foster positive word-of-mouth, all of which contribute to the overall success and growth.

This study aimed to determine the service quality and customer satisfaction of Rhett’s Printing Services in Bagtas, Tanza, Cavite. Participants evaluate the service quality and customer satisfaction of Rhett’s Printing based on the SERVQUAL model, which measures five dimensions of service quality: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.

As a result, it is revealed that in terms of customer perceptions of service quality of Rhett’s printing service, the participants strongly agree with the five qualities of the services provided by the Rhett’s Printing Services, and they consistently deliver outstanding service quality as perceived by customers. It is also revealed that the participants are very satisfied with the service of Rhett’s Printing Services.

The researchers identified specific areas for service enhancement, aligning with the proposed plan for improvement at Rhett’s Printing Services. The focus is on renovating or relocating the studio, fixing lights, and upgrading equipment aims to create a more comfortable environment and efficient execution of service process, aligning with contemporary expectations of service quality and contributing significantly to customer satisfaction.

Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction, printing service, digital printing, tangibility, responsiveness


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