Authors: Simon C. M. Wasike*, Dr. Evans Otieno & Dr. Susan Ouko 


Feeding programmes are critical for quality education to be realized in all learning institutions starting from Pre-primary to higher levels globally. When there is no provision of meals to children in school, they lack the energy to concentrate in classroom and co-curricular activities. Reports from non-governmental organizations have pointed out food insecurity as the major cause of low participation of learners in schools especially in drought-stricken areas. It is estimated that thousands of children risk dropping out of school because of inadequate food in ECDE centres. The study sought to assess participatory approaches and sustainability of the ECDE feeding programme in Turkana North Sub County. The objective was to; determine the community participation and its influence on the sustainability of ECDE feeding programme. The study is anchored on Systems Theory. A conceptual frame showing the relationship between independent variable (participatory approaches) and dependent variable (sustainability of ECDE feeding programme) was adopted. The study adopted Descriptive survey research design. The target population consisted of SFC chairpersons, and three key informants from the implementing organization directors.  Through purposive and simple random sampling technique, 52 respondents were sampled from the target population of 166.  The study employed questionnaires and interview schedules as instruments of data collection. The content and construct validity of the data collection instruments were ascertained by supervisors and departmental area experts of social science. A pilot study comprised of 10% of the target population from Turkana central Sub County, Kalokol ward. Reliability of the questionnaire was ascertained through test-retest technique. This involved the use of Cronbach Alpha where coefficient was r>0.75. After obtaining permission from the authorities, a License was obtained from NACOSTI. The respondents were inducted before data collection to make them understand what was required of them. Data was coded by use of SPSS version 28 and analyzed by descriptive statistics that included frequencies, means, and percentages. The results were presented by use of frequency tables, analyzed, and interpreted by use of percentages and means. The study findings revealed that the influence of community participation was not sustaining the ECDE feeding programme. NGOs prioritize community engagement forums to promote community participation in the ECDE feeding programme. The findings will help the stakeholders in the ECDE sector to understand the challenges and devise the best practices on how to sustain the ECDE feeding programme in the study area and other vulnerable areas within Kenya.

Keywords: Community participation, Sustainability, ECDE feeding programme


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