Authors: Ufondu Adaora Ogechukwu Ph.D., Eze, Ijeoma Bibian(Ph.D. & Emmanuel Ejiofo Nwanmuoh Ph.D.


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of social media on the performance of Seven Up Nigeria Bottling Company Enugu. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the extent to which facebook positively affects customer patronage of Seven Up Nigeria Bottling Company; examine the extent to which facebook positively affects corporate reputation of Seven Up Nigeria Bottling Company Enugu. The survey research design was adopted. A population of 63 staff respondents was used for the study. Questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. Both descriptive and inferential statistical tools were employed in the study. The descriptive statistical tools used for data analysis were frequencies, and percentage, while the inferential statistic used was simple linear regression to test the hypotheses formulated for the study. Findings of the study reveal that the key independent variable of social media tools exerts a significant positive effect on the performance of Seven Up Nigeria Bottling Company. The study concludes that social media tools should be embraced by the manufacturing organisations. The study recommended that manufacturing firms should endeavour to make online transactions convenient and ensure they have a wide range of products. Also they need to communicate appropriately with their publics to enable them have good opinion.

Keywords: Social Media, Facebook, Customer Patronage, Corporate Reputation and Organisational Performance.


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