Author: Tasdidaa Shamsi


In Bangladesh, approximately 2% of GDP is allocated for Education for the past few years. To improvise the living environment, focus should always be given towards education. For improvisation of education, focus should be given to teachers, as nothing in education will change without teachers. Health and well-being of students should also be taken into consideration. We have to understand how teachers will be like in the future. For improvisation of education, focus should be given to teachers, as nothing in education will change without teachers. The four pillars of Digital Bangladesh are Digital Government, Human Resource Development, IT Industry Promotion and Connecting Citizens i.e. smart citizen, smart society, smart government and smart economy. All these are intricately linked to teachers and teachers’ training. Basically, teachers are the cornerstone of any workforce and when we want an updated workforce, training of teachers is a start point for the nation. Thus, teachers need development.

Keywords:  Education, Teacher, Classroom, Environment, Digital Bangladesh.


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