Authors: Jessica Barbar, Patrick Nkemdilim Ijeh PhD & Benjamin Uwaeru Nwanne PhD


Advertising provides marketers opportunities to influence consumers’ buying behaviours through adequate exposure and appeals. Studies show that advertising is indispensable in promoting advertisers’ interests and that marketer’s use television advertising to attempt to influence purchasing behaviors. This study examined public exposure level to television advertisements on Cadbury Bournvita in Delta State, Nigeria, the advertising appeals explored and the effect on buying behaviour. The study was anchored on the Uses and Gratifications and Consumer Behaviour theories and adopted study involving 384 respondents who responded to a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Median, Mean, Standard Deviation and Regression Analysis. Findings show the level of exposure to television advertisements on Cadbury Bournvita in Delta State, Nigeria, was low and that the advertisements significantly contained rational appeals. Also, the advertisements positively influenced consumers’ buying behaviours. The study recommends that more studies should focus on reasons for the low exposure to television advertisements and that marketers should continue to use television advertisements and rational appeals to maximize impact.

Keywords: Advertisers; Brand awareness; Emotional appeal; Exposure to advertisements; rational appeal;


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