Author: Pragya Paneru


This research investigates the perspective of high school girls regarding their view on living as a female in Nepalese society. This issue is important as it unearths the updated views of the young female participants regarding their understanding of the female context in Nepal. Although there are studies involving women regarding various issues, there is not much research in the context of Nepal exploring the views of the school going females about their lives this research expects to contribute to the field of women’s context from adolescent girls’ point of view. Therefore, this study uses written responses from 16 high school girls on a given prompt regarding the lives of women to explore their understanding of women’s status in Nepal. The responses from the participants were analysed from a gender perspective using the content analysis method. The findings revealed a rather pessimistic attitude of participants toward women’s lives in Nepal due to ongoing social problems based on gender discrimination. It disclosed that girls are aware that they are discriminated in their family and society due to social attitude that gives more value to males. Moreover, cases of sexual harassment, women violence, dowry culture, and dehumanising menstrual rituals make their lives difficult and insecure.

Keywords: gender discrimination; sexual harassments; male preferences; dowry; menstrual seclusion


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