Authors: Ejiofor, Uchechukwu Chibuikem, Dr. Okwara-kalu, Chidinma Eberechukwu, Dr. Obinna-akakuru Annabel Uchechukwu & Dr. Njoku Benedict, Uzoma


The study investigated sleep disorders as predictors of affective and somatic symptoms of mild depression among Undergraduates in Imo State. The design of the study was correlation design. Four hypotheses guided this study. 443 participants were selected through random sampling technique. They were between the ages of 21 and 39 years with mean age 31.60 and standard deviation age of 3.40 with unequal gender (males =179 and females=264). Their marital status included 24 married males and 155 single males, while married females were 38 and 226 were single females. Instruments used were Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and Sleep Disorder Symptoms Checklist (SDS-CL). A Correlation Design and Multiple Regression Analysis were employed to analyze the data. Results indicated that at p<0.01 Sleep Apnea and Insomnia were significant predictors of mild depression symptoms among undergraduates in Imo State, while at p<0.05 Restless Legs Sleep Syndrome significantly predicted mild depression. However, at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of significance, Narcolepsy did not significantly Predict Mild Depression symptoms among Undergraduates in Imo State. The study suggested that Sleep Apnea, Insomnia and Restless Legs Sleep Syndrome were significant predictors of both affective and somatic symptoms of mild depression among undergraduates. It also recommended among others that undergraduates should not find it difficult to discuss their sleep problems with their doctors, clinical psychologists and counselors for proper attention in order to present their undiagnosed depression generate into moderate and severe depression.


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