Authors: Lekungha Nadege Sama & Nsoh Christopher Ndikum


This article examines the true motives of stakeholder involvement in refugee protection issues, continuously supporting refugee protection programs for a protracted period despite the unsustainability of initiatives. It argues that the persistent gap between relief initiatives and refugee needs and interests, suggests that the initial intentions of relief institutions are not necessarily the sustainability of refugee dependence programs. Indeed, the way of implementation of these programs not only impedes favourable results but also shows a lack of desire to truly find a permanent solution to the refugee problem once and for all. The study concludes that despite consistent efforts and huge funding to support self-reliance initiatives in Cameroon’s Minawao and Gado-Badzere refugee camps, humanitarian, state actors and other stakeholder and their form of assistance to refugees are implicated in the creation of new challenges for refugees and present refugee protractedness as an asset used by these stakeholders to perpetually coverup hidden agendas.

Keywords: Refugee, Self-reliance, Protracted dependency, Political economy, Cameroon, Minawao, Gado-Badzere, camps


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