Author: Dr. Turan Başkonuş


Artificial intelligence (AI) is radically transforming organisational structures, leadership approaches and workforce management in today’s business world. This study examines the impact of AI on workforce and organisational culture and discusses how digital leadership is being shaped. The impact of AI on organisational structures enables the development of a more agile, flexible and data-driven management approach. In addition, it has been observed that AI has made recruitment, performance management and employee development processes in human resources management more efficient and has directed the workforce more effectively. However, the ethical dimensions of this transformation process and its effects on employees should also be taken into consideration. While AI increases the productivity of organisations, it requires considering critical responsibilities such as employee safety and privacy. This study draws attention to the opportunities and challenges that the digital transformation process presents for organisations by discussing the effects of AI on leadership, workforce management and organisational culture. As a result, the effective use of AI enables organisations to develop in a more sustainable and strategic way, while enabling leaders to prepare for the future by increasing their digital skills.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Leadership, Executive, Management.


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