Author: Beatrice K. Kitigin


The study examined the relationship between the perceived ease of use of e-banking technology and the mediating effect of e-banking technology adoption on the performance of MSEs in Vihiga County, Kenya. The study employed explanatory research design.  Results indicated that perceived ease of use of e-banking technology had a positive and statistically significant effect on MSE performance, e-banking technology adoption had a mediating effect on the relationship between perceived ease of use and MSE performance. The findings of this study provide an insightful information to inspire MSEs to embrace e-banking technology in their enterprises as part of their strategic move towards obtaining competitive advantage over their competitors and to enable them achieve their objective of profit maximization, hence improved performance. Therefore, other institutions should take advantage of e-banking technology innovations to provide improved customer services in the face of competition and offer faster services that enhance performance.

Keywords: Effect, Perceived Ease of Use, E-Banking Technologies, Performance, Micro, Small Enterprises, Vihiga County, Kenya


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