Authors: Dr. Juan Pablo Contreras Barriga & Dr. José Rodolfo Real Audeves
In an increasingly globalized world, learning English has become an indispensable skill. However, the teaching of this foreign language faces multiple challenges, especially in basic education. English, as a lingua franca, facilitates global communication and opens doors to opportunities in an interconnected world. However, in the classroom, traditional methods, which are often based on following programs and textbooks to the letter, have shown limitations. Inspired by the post-method, the Orbit Model challenges the rigid and standardized teaching of English. Rather than focusing solely on an instrumental approach, this model encourages dynamic teaching that invites teachers to develop their creativity and adapt to the characteristics of each group of students. The central idea is that the teacher stops being just a transmitter of knowledge and becomes a facilitator of learning, thus promoting a more meaningful and relevant educational experience for students.
Keywords: Orbit Model, English Teaching, Basic Education, Self-Regulation, Social Consideration, Concentration, Self-regulation, Postmethod, Socio-emotional Skills, Pedagogical Strategy, Educational Transformation.
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