Author: Apostolos Karaoulas


This study analyzes the institution of university asylum as a mechanism for safeguarding academic freedom and scientific inquiry, placing it within the broader context of European educational history. It examines its relationship with the social and ethical dimensions of scientific progress. The study reviews the historical evolution of the institution, focusing on its social and political dimensions during the modern era. At the same time, it highlights the expanding significance of asylum in strengthening freedom of thought and expression within academic institutions, in a world where scientific progress cannot be detached from its ethical dimension.

The study explores the contradictions arising from scientific advancements, which often come into conflict with traditional values and ethical principles. It analyzes the need for a balance between the freedom of scientific research and the social responsibilities associated with modern discoveries, based on the historical development of university asylum and its role in the European educational tradition. Through a literature review, the study highlights works that investigate the ethical implications of contemporary scientific and technological innovations, as well as the social safeguards required for their responsible use. By analyzing the political consequences and challenges faced by universities today, the study examines their role as guardians of both freedom and responsibility towards society, emphasizing the need to reinforce ethical boundaries in scientific practices.

Keywords: University asylum, higher education, scientific research, European education, educational heritage


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