Effective Behaviors of Effective Online Public Speakers in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic as Perceived by Undergraduate and Graduate Students in Indonesia

Author: Mashadi Said, Bayu Bona Ventura & Nazhifa Kamila

Abstract: Conveying the ideas of public speakers effectively to the audience is the main objective of public speakers. This study seeks to describe the effective behaviors of effective online public speakers in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic as perceived by undergraduate and graduate students in Indonesia. Data were obtained from questionnaires distributed to undergraduate and graduate students in Indonesia. The results of the analysis show that there are 14 behaviors of effective online public speakers that should be paid attention to by public speakers in order to present their ideas effectively. Furthermore, there is a strong and positive relationship between variables of voice, verbal language, and body language, material and presentation variable of 0.694, with the coefficient determinant value of 48.1%. Therefore, public speakers need to strengthen their voice in order that their presentation gains high acceptance from the audience, i.e. ensuring that their voice is heard well by the audience as it can increase effective presentation by 23.1%, paying attention to the language so as to be understood by the audience well, and using a natural body language for its effect of 48.4%. However, the material presented is the aspect that really needs to be taken into account as it strongly affects the audience acceptance because it can enhance the acceptance of 90.6%. The other important thing is that the results of this study have implications on the importance for speakers and prospective public speakers to pay attention to several aspects in order to be able to make an effective online presence.