The Empathy of United States President Joe Biden, The Soul of America, and Humanistic Psychology: Part 2

Author: Elliot Benjamin, Ph.d.

Abstract: The first part of this essay series was initially written in March 2021 when Joe Biden had been the United States president for 2 months and was published in April 2021 (Benjamin, 2021a). It is now July 2021, 4 months later, Biden has been president for nearly 6 months, has signed a bill addressing hate crimes against Asian-Americans, has paid tribute to and commemorated the victims of the 1921 Tulsa, Oklahoma massacre of over 300 Black citizens 100 years ago, has given a significant speech at the 2021 NATO conference, and has turned the corner on the coronavirus pandemic. However, Biden has also taken a number of actions that have been concerning and disappointing to progressives. Consequently, this article serves as a continuation and update of the first part of this essay series.