Marni Ishak & Fauzi Hussin
The Sustainable Leadership for Learning Questionnaire (SLLQ) is a valid questionnaire to measure sustainable leadership for learning of the school principals. However, the lack of evidence in predictive validity criteria makes the questionnaire doubt to be used by researchers. Thus, this study analyses how far the SLLQ could be a valid questionnaire to predict school effectiveness. A cross-sectional survey design was utilized. A total of 193 teachers from primary schools in Kedah were selected randomly to participate in this study. The SLLQ and School Effectiveness Index (SEI) were used to measure sustainable leadership for learning of school principals and school effectiveness, respectively. Using SmartPLS 3.0, this study found that the SLLQ is a valid questionnaire to predict school effectiveness. This study has contributed to the leadership literature in the education sector in Malaysia. This study suggests that if researchers want to measure sustainable leadership for the learning of school principals, the SLLQ questionnaire can be used without hesitation.
Keywords: Primary schools, School effectiveness, School principals’ leadership, Sustainable Leadership for Learning Questionnaire, SLLQ
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