Ogwu C. Ph.D., & Atamah, O. F


The aspiration of any country is to have a productive population to achieve economic growth. Nigeria’s economic growth has been diminished by youths’ unemployment and agriculture has been tipped as a veritable tool for solving youths’ unemployment problems, especially youths in fish farming deploying cage aquaculture. Good quality water is imperative in aquaculture and this underpins this study. This study was ex-post facto research that answered three (3) research questions and tested a hypothesis and the focus was the determination of the organochlorine pesticide content of Balagbe wetland for cage aquaculture in secondary schools for economic growth. To achieve this, the Balagbe wetland was mapped out into 5 research sites A, B, C, D, and E. Samples were collected from each sampling site, bulked, a composite drawn, and fixed with HNO3, and stored in ice-cooled boxes for analysis. The analytical standards adopted were APHA, EPA 3570 and Steindwandter and Shufler 1978. The analytical instrument employed was Agilent 6100 series quadrupole LC/MC. The mean results obtained from the parameters investigated were: admin 0.68±0.28μg/l, endrin 0.62±0.22μg/l, DDT 1.63±0.19μg/l, heptachlor 1.09±0.52μg/l and beta lindane 1.21±0.40μg/l. The results were further subjected to a test of significance with ANOVA with numerator 4 and denominator 20 at a 0.05 level of significance. The F ratio calculated is 5.32 and F ratio critical value is 3.46. This reveals that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus revealing that the Balagbe wetland is polluted by organochlorine pesticides. The study recommends that cage aquaculture should not be deployed in river Balagbe wetland until remediation is carried out as doing so in its present state will be counter-productive in achieving national growth.

Keywords: organochlorine pesticides cage aquaculture, national growth.


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