Authors: Istria Kurnia Wati, Juwita Nur Azizah, Khikmah Fatma Sari, Laras Septiani, Mila Agustina, Leo Agung S.
This study examines the rice self-sufficiency project during the New Order era. This study aims to obtain information about how the implementation of rice self-sufficiency during the reign of President Soeharto. The research questions posed were: (1) Why was rice self-sufficiency achieved during the New Order era? (2) How was the effort during the New Order era to achieve the target of self-sufficiency in rice? (3) Is the rice self-sufficiency project successful and long-lasting? (4) What are the results of the rice self-sufficiency project? This research is a qualitative study using a literature study. The results of this study indicate that: Several reasons for the New Order Era of President Soeharto’s government to receive the title of self-sufficiency, namely the impact of the Green Revolution, Mass Guidance (Bimas), and Mass Intensification (Inmas). Because of these projects, the Indonesian population does not experience an increase in the price of rice and basic needs so that rice self-sufficiency can be achieved. President Soeharto made many efforts and tactics to achieve rice self-sufficiency, including increasing domestic rice production. Rice farmers were given counseling on suitable farming methods to produce high-quality rice. This effort was in vain because rice self-sufficiency could only last for two years. The results of the rice self-sufficiency project are increasing food production, especially rice, and a stable domestic economy.
Keywords: Rice, New Order, Agriculture, Food, Self-Sufficiency
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