Authors: Refvi Rizal, Deltri Apriyeni, Putra Hudaya, Novialdi Darwis & Raju Adnan


This research is motivated by the existence of problems related to customer satisfaction of PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office. Based on this, there are three factors that allegedly cause this, including brand equity, service and trust. So, this study aims to see the effect of 1) The effect of brand equity on customer satisfaction at PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office. 2). The influence of service on customer satisfaction at PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office. 3). The influence of trust on customer satisfaction at PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office. 4). The effect of brand equity, service and trust together on customer satisfaction of PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office. By using the Slovin formula, the number of samples in this study was 100 people. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The data analysis technique used multiple regression. The results of this study indicate that 1) Brand equity has a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction at PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office. 2). Service has a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction at PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office. 3). Trust has a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction of PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office. 4). Brand equity, service and trust have a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction at PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office. The suggestions that can be put forward in this study are that it should increase awareness of brand awareness or the name of PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office, PT BNI Sawahlunto Sub-Branch Office should maintain service that customers feel is quite good, customers should pay more attention to aspects of trust, namely by paying more attention to performance Bank employees.

Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Brand Equity, Service, Trust


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