The Persistent Threats of Globalization on Economic Development and Democratic Governance in Africa
Author: Emeribe Kehinde Yejide, Nigeria
Abstract: The entry of Globalization into Africa, or more aptly, Africa’s Entry into the ‘Global Village’ has left the Continent at a more disadvantaged position. The emerging threats posed by Globalization and even the lingering effects have contributed, in no minute measure, to the present impoverished state the Continent now finds herself. The effects of these threats which still strongly persist till date form the thesis of this paper. Economically, Africa’s underdevelopment can be traced to her integration into the currents of Globalization. Her Political woes can also be linked to the advent of Globalization on the continent, accounting for the failed states and governance she now experiences due to lack of proper and progressive growth of the globally imposed Democratic governance on Africa’s governance model. The socio-cultural sphere is also not left out as Westernization via Globalization is subtly but surely eroding the cultural identity of Africa and her people. These enduring threats and more posed by globalization may end up annihilating the Continent if strong measures and will is not taken by Africans to radically re-orientate and reinstate a true African value and identity that will gradually be able to contend and prevail against the raging tsunami of Globalization on the continent.