An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Alternative Learning System-education and Skills Training (Als-est) Program

Author: Rufo A. Labarrete

Abstract: This study evaluates the implementation of the Alternative Learning System- Education and Skills Training (ALS-EST) with the end view of knowing the learners’ perspective as regards program implementation. The evaluation was focused on the learners’ learning and reaction. Thirty-two learners enrolled in the program were purposively chosen as respondents. Data were obtained from the interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Subsequently, these data were analyzed following Braun and Clarke (2006) six-step stages for qualitative data analyses. Results revealed that academic preparations in the EST are a pivot to character formation, employment-related skills training, and academic skills. The program is well-received and viewed by its learners as an academic ladder and as a catalyst to a better life. Overall, as evaluated by the learners, EST, as an ALS program, is effectively implemented.