Dr David Foya & Chiedza Mapuranfa


The aim of the study was to examine the factors that influence Workplace Violence perpetrated by customers in the Financial Service Sector on employees as well as assess the preparedness of the organizations in the Financial Service to combat type II workplace violence. A Case study approach was used and participants were chosen through the random stratified sampling technique. Questionnaires and interviews with front-line personnel and some senior management were used to collect data. The major factors contributing to workplace violence include: customers are treated like royalty; whilst there are some customers who break rules and believe they are immune from consequences and the failure to treat employees as the same. The Financial Services Sector and in particular Banks in the Harare Region do not have a Workplace Violence Policy and a Workplace Violence Prevention Program. The researcher recommended there be joint workers and management forum to deliberate and formulate a Violence Policy that provides for hazard identification, risk assessment, prevention and control, training, management and mitigation of the impact, care and support of workers affected, and monitoring and evaluation of the same.

Keywords: Workplace violence, harassment, occupational hazards.


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