Ait Ben Assila Rachid & Issam Igbida
The objective of this article is to clarify the concepts of quality, equality, and equity in education and to understand their evolution in order to best identify all the semic aura relating to the subject. We will also show that educational inequalities in themselves have never ceased to be anchored in a nuanced way in the ideology of human beings. As part of a multidisciplinary field, these notions are imbued with a dynamic that is constantly being invented and reconstructed. Historically constructed, F. Dubet judges its full content when he confirms that “ yesterday’s inequalities are not always those of today and will not necessarily be those of tomorrow”. That said, it is no longer a question of equalizing the chances of access to school, but of guaranteeing fair academic competition. In this sense, we will show that historical evolution is more and more committed to progressing towards the concept of equity as a complement to that of equality.
Keywords: Quality, equality, equity, education
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