Marieta Bastida Agabon & Garry L. Bastida
This study aimed to find out the mediating effect of impulse buying on the relationship between financial management and savings behavior of DepEd division personnel in Region XI. A quantitative, correlation design was used to investigate the relationship between and among the three variables. The meditation technique was utilized to evaluate if impulse buying significantly mediates the relationship between financial management and saving behavior. An adapted survey questionnaire which was validated by experts and pilot tested was used in this study. A total of 300 regular non-teaching personnel in DepEd Region XI were the respondents of the study, determined through purposive sampling. The findings of the study revealed that the level of financial management was high as well as the level of impulse buying while the saving behavior was moderate. Significant and positive correlations were obtained between financial management and saving behavior, financial management, and impulse buying, and impulse buying and saving behavior. Results showed that financial management and saving behavior were partially mediated by impulse buying. Accordingly, impulse buying is one of the reasons how financial management can influence saving behavior.
Keywords: impulse buying, financial management, saving behavior, descriptive-correlation design, Philippines
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