Gabriel, Justin M.O., Ph.D & Kobani, Doreen, Ph.D


This paper reviewed extant literature on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a tool for Community Development. The Paper advocated indigenization as vital in the practice of CSR. Corporate Social Responsibility was described at the contributions of corporations towards the betterment of society. On the other hand, community development was seen as the actions that results in the advancement of the community with regards to positive improvements and wellbeing of members of such communities.  Indigenization however was viewed as the involvement of locals in the development of their communities. It was concluded that CSR initiatives remains one way of fostering cordial relationships between host communities and corporations; as such corporations should be very thorough and deliberate in ensuring that indigenes are involved in deciding and executing community-based projects.

Keywords: Indigenization, Corporate Social Responsibility, Practices, Recipe, Community Development.


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