Dr. Madan Singh Deupa


Teachers are the most crucial aspect of the education system. Students’ learning/achievement level is directly dependent on the competency of the teacher. An educational programme designed to produce qualified teachers is known as a teacher education programme. This study investigates the enrollment of the students in teacher education on the basis of their academic achievement and intelligence level and hence analyzes the enrollment trend in the teacher education (B.Ed.) programme in Nepal. The study was conducted on 50 students of B.Ed. the first semester of the Kanchanpur and Kailali districts of Sudurpaschim Province was selected by systematic random sampling. This research was based on a survey design of a quantitative approach. Both primary and secondary data were used in this study. G.C. Ahuja’s Group Test of Intelligence was used to collect intelligence scores. Analysis of the data was based on descriptive statistics obtained by using SPSS. Findings are interpreted on the basis of Maslow’s motivation theory and Brain drain theory. Results of the study revealed that a negligible percentage of students having high academic achievement and intelligence levels are enrolling in teacher education. Concern authorities need to revisit the policies regarding salary, facilities and position in the national protocol of teachers to attract the high achievers and intelligent students to the teacher education programme.

Keywords: Intelligence, Achievement, Teacher education, Enrollment, Quality education


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