Jose Manuel Salum Tome


Inclusive education is the transformation of the system, it highlights difference and diversity, to strengthen the development of skills, under the premise of respect for difference and diversity (Barton L, (2013). Today, educational inclusion is carried out and attends to the educational needs of students individually, where the actors of the educational process contribute to learning while respecting the differences and diversity of each individual, by fulfilling the transforming and integrating role that improves skills and breaks with barriers to learning.


Contemporary education has taken on the challenge of promoting different programs aimed at promoting inclusive teaching-learning processes that facilitate attention to diversity. It is evident that the integration of students with special needs in regular educational centers has caused significant changes in the curriculum, infrastructure and training among teachers. In the last ten years, educational inclusion has made significant progress, but much remains to be done to expand inclusive spaces.

Keywords: Educational Inclusion – Epistemology – Inclusive classroom – Inclusive teacher


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