Authors: Bikorin, Siti Dyah Handayani & Nuryakin
The world of education is an entity greatly affected by technological developments, and universities are competing to present effective and efficient learning by accommodating the latest technology. A learning management system (LMS) or often known as the concept of e-learning, is a platform that is widely used to create effective online learning. The Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta has long developed the Myklass learning management system. This research uses two essential aspects of technology acceptance within an organization, the technology acceptance model (TAM). The concept of understanding is what supports describing the determinants of technology acceptance and is an organizational factor. The purpose of this study is to understand the extent to which the perception and application of Myklass technology by lecturers and students at UMY. Quantitative design with a case study method is an approach in this research. The sample was collected using a purposive sampling technique, permanent lecturers and students of at least the second semester of Myklass users at UMY. There are differences in the perception of technology acceptance between lecturers and students. Although the object is the same, namely Myklass, because each subject has a different understanding, the study results show differences between the two.
Keywords: Technology acceptance model (TAM), organizational factors, learning management system, and dyadic method.
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