Author: Adília Mendonça Da Costa E Silva Gaspar


The lack of quality of Angolan higher education institutions has been the subject of constant debates, as it is known that teaching presents several weaknesses.

With this work, we seek to analyze the problem of higher education in Angola, but precisely to try to perceive the main culprit, among teachers, students, and the State in general, for the non-quality of HEIs. To this end, we first used a set of bibliographies on the subject. The study is qualitative in nature, in which the focus group and the semi-structured interview were used for teachers and managers. And as a result, it was found that both students and teachers have their share of the blame for the lack of interest and delivery in the teaching process. But, however, the government also has its share of the blame, if not the main one, for not investing properly in education, from adequate infrastructure, library, and internet resources as well as to encouraging teachers.

Keywords: qualified teachers; Angolan education system; higher education students; quality in higher education, higher education in Angola


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