Authors: Fwenshimwa Goyol Yarima & Ezra Shiloba Gbaje (PhD)


Knowledge management and sharing of knowledge help to improve the quality of education as well as the creation and maintenance of a learning culture. Knowledge management plays a key role in the inputs and outputs of the educational process in an e-learning environment, by improving students’ knowledge. The objectives of this study are to explain knowledge and knowledge management concepts; e-learning concepts; needs and strategy for knowledge management development in an e-learning environment; integration of e-learning system and knowledge management system; application of knowledge management theory in an e-learning environment and e-learning tools for knowledge management development. The study concludes that knowledge management and e-learning go hand-in-hand. E-learning is a tool used for knowledge acquisition, it helps in extracting tacit knowledge sharing and the essence of SECI model for the knowledge-creating process where; Socialisation is knowledge sharing; Externalisation is writing (codification) of knowledge. The combination is storage, systemization, and processing of data, information, and knowledge and Internalisation is learning. The researcher adopted a descriptive research design in nature, the paper contains a theoretical review of scientific literature on knowledge management and E-learning; Secondary sources of data were used for data collection like different web links, books, journals, and old research papers.

Keywords: Knowledge, Knowledge Management, E-learning, E-learning Environment, Nonaka SECI model.


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