Authors: Widiastuti, Edhy Susatya, Muhammad Sayuti & Fitri Nur Mahmudah


One of the causes of many unemployed is that graduates do not have competencies that match the competencies needed by the world of work. The applied SMK curriculum is not in line with the competence of the business world or the industrial world (link and match), so it has not been able to meet the demands of the world of work,     the business world, and the industrial world. Smk revitalization is needed to achieve a center of excellence school. The study aims to analyze the influence of (1) the quality of teachers in achieving the goals of Center of Excellence Vocational School, (2) the teachers’ perception of infrastructure in achieving the goals of Center of Excellence Vocational School, (3) the teachers’ perceptions of partner industries in achieving the goals of Center of Excellent Vocational School,  and (4) the quality of human resources, teachers’ perception of infrastructure and the partner industries support together in achieving the goals of Center of Excellence Vocational School. This study was conducted in five Vocational Schools of the Center of Excellence in Yogyakarta. The sampling technique in this research used a proportional sampling technique. The research sample consisted of 45 teachers. The method of this research was a descriptive correlation. Questionnaires collected the data, and their validity and reliability were tested. The data were analyzed by correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and variant analysis using the SPSS version 25.0 program. The research shows that: (1) teachers’ quality significantly influences achieving the goals of the Center of Excellence Vocational School. It is shown by the p-value chi-square 0,000 (p<0.05), (2) the teachers’ perception of infrastructure has a significant effect on the achievement of the goals of the Center of Excellence Vocational School. It is shown by the p-value chi-square 0,000 (p<0.05), (3) the teachers’ perception of the partner industries does not significantly influence the achievement of the goals of the Center of Excellent Vocational School, which is shown by the p-value chi-square 0.192 (p<0.05), and (4) variables of human resources and infrastructures simultaneously have an effect in the variable of achieving the goals of the Center of Excellence Vocational School by 33.2%.

Keywords: Teachers, infrastructure, partner industry, Center of Excellence Vocational School


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