Authors: Abdul-Razaq Ibrahim, Dr. Oluwaseun O Abiodun & Amoo P O


Vision plays a vital role in every facet of life, therefore when a person’s vision is impaired it significantly affects the quality of life and the contribution of that individual to society. Therefore eye health and vision have widespread and profound implications for many aspects of life, Health, sustainable development, and the economy. Health-seeking behavior is an individual deed to the promotion of maximum well-being, recovery, and rehabilitation, health seeking behavior is closely linked to the health status of a nation and its economic development. An understanding of the different determinants of health-seeking behavior of individuals, and population group is vital if any headway is to be made in fighting illness and diseases. The study adopted a descriptive exploratory using a mixed method. A sample size of three hundred and seventeen (317) respondents participated in the study spread along the three (3) districts i.e Afon, Owode, and Onire districts of the local government area. An accidental sampling technique was used to select the participants. A self-administered questionnaire, including the section on demographic indices, the incidence of ocular disease, eye health promotion, factors affecting health-seeking behavior, and health-seeking behavior of selected respondents. Ethical approval was obtained from the relevant authorities and respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

The finding of the study was presented in form of texts, tables,s and charts (bar and pie) while inferential statistics were analyzed using chi-square, and Pearson product moments correction. All were tested at a 5% level of significance respectively with the aid of spss version 28.

Findings from this study revealed that the majority of respondents 120(37.8%)had been diagnosed with an eye problem and the common condition is conjunctivitis, it also revealed most respondents had a high level of eye health promotion practice, and it observed that culture, availability of drugs, and medical personnel are factors influencing health-seeking behavior of most of the respondent, however, most respondents had poor health seeking behavior as most of them rely on chemist shop and traditional healer for their health needs. There is a significant relationship between health-seeking behavior and the occurrence of ocular diseases among residents also there is a significant relationship between eye health promotion and health-seeking behavior.

Conclusively, there is a need for the government at all levels to increase spending on the health sector in order to improve the living standard of the people.

Keywords: Assessment Eye health, Health seeking behavior, Residents.


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