Author: Do Huynh Lam Thinh


This study investigates the impact of three factors in brand equity including (1) brand awareness, (2) perceived quality, and (3) brand association on the customer loyalty of the alcoholic beverage in Vietnam market. It can be seen that beer can be considered an important industry in every country which attracts several customers. Since the attractiveness and development of the market, there are more and more organizations in the competitive market leading to several options for customers, which will decline customer loyalty to the brands. Therefore, this research argues the expected positive impact of brand equity (i.e., brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality) on customer loyalty. Hypotheses are tested with survey data from 210 participants who drank beer in Vietnam. The results of this study suggest that all the elements of brand equity have a positive influence on customer loyalty. Besides that, perceived quality can be considered as the most impactful factor on customer satisfaction and when the customer is satisfied with the products, they will become more loyal. Overall, the contribution of this research is to help beer organizations find out the important factors that can enhance the brand loyalty

Keywords: Brand equity, customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, alcoholic industry, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association


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