Authors: Muhamad Hilmi Ainunnajih, Januarius Mujiyanto & Suwandi
The textbook is defined as the learning materials that are commonly used in the teaching and learning process, are easy to get, and are also commercially provided. There will be different needs for textbooks in senior high school and vocational high school. For that reason, some questions need to be answered. Those were the characteristics of the compatibility of the English textbooks for the marketing and online business program for eleventh grade with the curriculum in terms of completeness, up-to-dateness, depth, difficulty levels, and accuracy. This research was conducted to explain the compatibility of the materials in the textbooks used by the marketing and online business programs of vocational high schools in Semarang with the 2013 curriculum. There are two books analyzed, an English textbook for the eleventh grade of senior and vocational high school entitled “bahasa inggris,” published by Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, and an English textbook for the eleventh grade of vocational high school entitled “english,” published by Bumi Aksara. It uses the theories of many experts and BNSP. The technique used to collect the data is observation and a document checklist, which is described qualitatively. The result of this research shows that both textbook 1 and textbook 2 are good in terms of their compatibility with the 2013 curriculum. The lack was that those books were not suited enough to students’ needs in the marketing and online business fields.
Keywords: textbook marketing, online business, vocational high school
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