Authors: Princewill Akongnwi & Sonkey Louis Ntu*
The relationship between human development and labor productivity cannot be debated because a well-developed human being; physically, mentally, cognitively, psychologically, spiritually, and who is conscious is a great input for good labor productivity. The main objective of this study was to analyze the effect of religious education on human development. To achieve this objective, we made use of data collected from questionnaires administered to 400 religious practicing individuals in the Mezam Division of any religion such as Christianity, Islam, and others. The sample was selected through stratified sampling techniques individuals. The data collected were analyzed using ordinary least square regression analysis. The results revealed that honesty, morality, and faith have a positive effect on human development while unexplainable, integrity shows a negative effect on human development. With respect to other religions, Christianity shows a positive tendency of increasing human development while Islam has a negative effect on human development in the Mezam division. The study, therefore, recommends that the educational curriculum of Cameroon be refined to incorporate religious education and those aspects of religion which build the integrity, honesty, and faith of the citizens which will enhance human development.
Keywords: Religious Education; Human Development; Integrity; honesty; morality; Faith
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