Authors: Nwanmuoh Emmanuel Ejiofo & Francisca Tochukwu Udu


This article examines the level of public relations strategies as a tool for promoting corporate social responsibility in South-South Nigeria. The danger signals are heightened with the growing militancy and open resistance by the various youths of the communities in the region against the management of the oil companies and the governments over the problems they are suffering owing to pollution from spills. On the contrary, these communities have been set back by economic underdevelopment and environmental degradation particularly, as a result of natural resource exploitation. Similarly, the interests of the nation have also been jeopardized as a result of the profits-driven approach which has so far marked the attitude of operating companies. Unfortunately, the youths exploited this opportunity to express their militancy, which resulted in pipeline destruction and kidnapping of foreign workers. Therefore, the main question of the research is how a quantitative model can be designed to measure the level of public relations strategies as a tool for promoting corporate social responsibility in South-South, Nigeria. The sub-questions organizations include: how to identify dimensions and components of corporate social responsibility, and how to design a quantitative model to measure social responsibility in South-South Nigeria. In order to answer the research questions, hypotheses were set. Then, indicators were determined and questionnaires were prepared in regard to the research objectives and questions. After recollecting the questionnaire, two methods descriptive and inferential were applied and data from the questionnaire were analyzed to approve or reject the hypotheses

Keywords: public relation strategies, corporate social responsibility, South-South, Nigeria.


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