Author: Kenneth M. Kasulwa, Dr. Salvatory Mhando & Dr. Simon Ambakisye


The deficit of teaching and learning materials in Tanzania’s Public Primary Schools has become a challenge. This challenge hinders the process of teaching and learning practically. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore factors that limit the availability of teaching and learning materials in Tanzania Public Primary Schools. The study was guided by the following objectives; to identify the challenges that hinder the availability of teaching and learning materials in public primary schools and to find out the way forward to tackle the challenges that limit the availability of Teaching and Learning Materials in Primary Schools. A sample size of ten public primary schools from a population of one hundred and fifty schools was selected for the study. The participants were district education officers, heads of schools, academic teachers, and teachers. The study used a qualitative approach and case study design. The data was gathered through an interview guide and observation. The findings showed that insufficient budget which leads to the government not allocating enough funds for teaching and learning materials equally to public primary schools due to small investments to enable the purchasing of the teaching and learning materials in these schools. The study recommends that the government should not only consider the issue of constructing classrooms and registering a huge number of pupils in the government primary schools but also think of disbursing and allocating enough funds for the teaching and learning materials as these materials are essential to improving pupils’ competencies in public primary schools. Also, it is recommended that the government should as well consider providing special training to teachers on how some of the teaching and learning materials can be used, securing and constructing sports playgrounds for schools as these will eventually contribute to enhancing public schools’ performance in all spheres of learning.

Keywords: Teaching Materials, Learning Materials, Public Schools, Primary Schools, Teachers


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