Author: Alvin A. Kessy


The increase of homelessness in the Ilala district has become a challenge and threat both for government and community. This challenge makes the government to use high cost to eliminate, also it become persistent to the community welfare. The purpose of this study was to assess the causes of youth homelessness in Ilala District. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the influence of youth homeless-ness in Ilala District, to find out ways to overcome youth in Ilala District. A sample size of five police station. The participants were ten police officers, fifteen social workers, fifteen community members and ten youth homelessness. The research used a quali-tative approach, purposive sampling technique employed to gather required infor-mation. The case study design was employed; interview and focus group discussions used as methods for data collect. Data were analyses thematically by considering the following stage like; familiarisation with the data through reading and re-reading, cod-ing, generating initiation themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes and writing up the report. Trustworthiness and ethical consideration also were observed whereby the names of participants remain confidential. The researcher found that majority of youth homelessness caused by the economic difficulties (poverty), family conflicts, joblessness, discrimination and inequality based on cultural, informal justice as the primary cause. Also, the findings found out that the Tanzania government and different NGOs should open a centre that enables homelessness by providing them with a safe and secure places to stay, providing education and moral support to over-come the challenge as well as enacting strict laws to combat against street wanderers. In order to eliminate homelessness of the youths in Tanzania and the problem of committing crimes. It recommended that the government should apply policies that will curb the problem of homeless. The later country moved homeless quickly into in-dependent and permanent housing or homes. They provided additional support and services as needed and for as long as needed.

Keywords: Youth, Homelessness, Children, streets, Social Crimes,


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